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NFFF Scholarships

2022 – 2023 Scholarship Recipients

The Foundation and its partners awarded 41 scholarships to spouses, children, and step-children of fallen firefighters totaling over $508,159.

Our 2022 – 2023 scholarship recipients include 27 previous scholarship recipients and 14 first-time recipients.

Awards were based on an assessment of each applicant’s financial need and academic performance, with a focus on applicants who were studying subjects in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and Public Safety.

Thanks to a very generous donation from Motorola Solutions Foundation, Inc., the Alan Patrick Sondej Scholarship Fund, the Kenneth M. Hedrick Memorial Scholarship Fund, and the NFFF partnerships with MissionSquare Retirement, Burton A. Zipser and Sandra D. Zipser Foundation, National Association of State Fire MarshalsGlobal Health & Safety, and the Steel Family’s Engine Company 5 Foundation and countless other donations made towards the NFFF Scholarship Program.

The NFFF has awarded

in scholarships since 1997

Show Your Support of Our Families Through the Our Scholarship Program


These scholarships were awarded through the generosity of our partners. We thank them for their support of our families.

Burton A. Zipser and Sandra D. Zipser Foundation