For Fire Hero Family members who have lost a firefighter in the line of duty, the holidays can be an especially challenging time of year.
For Fire Hero Family members who have lost a firefighter in the line of duty, the holidays can be an especially challenging time of year.
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation holds an annual Fire Hero Family Winter Retreat. All family members whose fire heroes have been honored at the National Memorial are welcome at the retreat.
Join us for an event that will focus on service, giving back to others at the holidays, self-care, reflection, and fellowship.
Attendees will participate in service-based activities, open discussions with other Fire Hero Families and enjoy time connecting with each other for support.
The Winter Retreat is what my heart needed. Getting to meet people who truly understand my grief has been a life saver.
Winter Retreat attendee
These NFFF resources could be helpful for navigating grief during the holidays.
Fire Hero Family Trees Remember Your Firefighter

We encourage you to send ornaments, in memory of your loved ones, to be placed on the Fire Hero Family Trees. These ornaments will be displayed during the holiday season in the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Memorial Chapel — this year and every year.
When your ornament is received, it will be placed on a tree and will remain there throughout the holiday season.
Remembering Your Firefighter
Please send your ornaments to:
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation c/o Fire Hero Family Tree Program PO Drawer 498, Emmitsburg, MD 21727