Updated July 2021 (COVID-19 related benefits updated April 2021)
COVID-19-related first responder deaths are considered line-of-duty deaths under the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program. Legislation passed in August 2020 established a statutory presumption for first responders who die from, or are disabled by complications related to, COVID-19. Prior to August, suspected cases were required to have proof that exposure occurred during their work duties.
(Legislation: S.3607 – Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act of 2020)
Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program
Phone: (888) 744-6513
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: bja.ojp.gov/program/psob
Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA will provide financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. The Federal Emergency Management Agency will provide up to $9,000 per funeral and up to $35,500 per applicant to help with expenses related to coronavirus deaths that occurred after January 20, 2020.
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Information
(Applications accepted starting April 12, 2021)
Phone: (844) 684-6333
TTY: 800-462-7585
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm CST
Website: www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance#eligible
New Hampshire Emergency Order #36 (Executive Order 2020-04 as extended by Executive Order 2020-05) ensured workers’ compensation coverage for New Hampshire first responders exposed to COVID-19for the duration of the declared emergency in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Department of Labor
Spaulding Building
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-3174
Fax: (603) 271-6149
Website: www.nh.gov/labor
$100,000 death benefit, applicable to both career and volunteer firefighters.
Division of Fire Safety
New Hampshire Department of Safety
110 Smokey Bear Blvd
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 223-4289
TDD Relay: (603) 735-2964
Fax: (603) 223-4294
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nh.gov
Mailing Address:
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
Reference: NH RSA Section 21-I:29-a
In the state of New Hampshire, it is presumed that any heart or lung disease is an occupational disease for a regular, call, or volunteer member of a fire department, so long as there is reasonable medical evidence that the firefighter was free of such disease at the beginning of their employment and the firefighter is not over the age of 65 years and 1 month. Retired firefighters are included under this presumption for 5 years after retirement.
Cancers of a type which may be caused by exposure to heat, radiation, or a known carcinogen, as defined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer are considered occupational diseases for firefighters. Such cancers shall be presumed to be suffered in the line of duty if the firefighter has been a firefighter for 10 or more years, received a medical exam at the beginning of their employment which found no evidence of such cancer, and the firefighter has lived a tobacco free life. Retired firefighters who submit to such a physical examination shall have this benefit for 20 years from their date of retirement. No active or retired firefighter shall receive the presumption benefit unless the employer voluntarily has in effect a policy that follows the fire standards and training commission curriculum requirement for best practices for use and cleaning of equipment.
New Hampshire Department of Labor
Spaulding Building
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-3176
Fax: (603) 271-6149
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nh.gov/labor
Reference: NH RSA Section 281-A:17
WC is determined in New Hampshire based on the employee’s Average Weekly Wage. For career firefighters the workers’ compensation benefit is 60% of the firefighter’s average weekly wage, up to a maximum of 100% of the State’s Average Weekly Wage. For volunteer firefighters the workers’ compensation benefit is 100% of the State’s Average Weekly Wage. This number is updated yearly by the Department of Employment Security.
Spouses are eligible until remarriage or death. Children are eligible until the child becomes 18 years of age, or until the child becomes 25 years of age if such child is enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited educational institution, or sooner if the child is self-supporting, married, or legally adopted. A dependent child who is physically or mentally incapacitated shall continue to receive compensation as long as the incapacity continues.
New Hampshire Department of Labor
Spaulding Building
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-3176
Fax: (603) 271-6149
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nh.gov/labor
Reference: NH RSA Sections 281-A:15, 281-A:26, 281-A:28
The employer shall pay burial expenses not to exceed $10,000.
New Hampshire Department of Labor
Spaulding Building
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-3174
Fax: (603) 271-6149
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nh.gov/labor
Reference: Reserved Title 281-A:26
Career Firefighters: An annual pension of 50% of the deceased’s annual rate of earnable compensation at the date of death shall be paid to the spouse until remarriage or death. If there is no spouse, or the spouse has remarried or died, the pension shall be paid to the firefighter’s children under the age of 18. If the firefighter left neither spouse nor children under 18, the pension shall be payable to a dependent parent for life.
A refund of the firefighter’s Accumulated Contributions is payable to their designated beneficiary or beneficiaries in addition to the above.
If the firefighter leaves no survivors who are eligible for the annual pension, then their designated beneficiary or beneficiaries will receive a lump sum payment equal to the firefighter’s base salary plus accrued benefits not paid at the time of death.
Call/Volunteer Firefighters: As of 1 July 2014 Call, Substitute, and Volunteer firefighters are no longer eligible for a retirement or pension plan through the New Hampshire Retirement System.
New Hampshire Retirement System
54 Regional Drive
Concord, NH 03301-8507
Phone: (603) 410-3500
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nhrs.org
Reference: NH RSA Section 100-A:8, 100-A:19
The state of New Hampshire does not offer any education benefits. See the <strong>Non-Profit or Private Organizations</strong> section for scholarship opportunities available to you.
Kids’ Chance New Hampshire
To get information on this organization, use the Contact Us form on the website.
Website: www.kidschancenh.org
To be eligible for a scholarship grant, applicants must have a parent who has been killed or seriously injured as a result of a work related incident that meets the criteria of the New Hampshire Workers’ Compensation Act and that has resulted in demonstrated financial need.
The Hundred Club of New Hampshire
Attn: Nancy Keller, Secretary
P.O. Box 23
Manchester, NH 03105-0023
Phone: (603) 623-9000
Fax: (603) 623-9001
E-mail: Contact Us
Website: www.100clubnh.org
Benefits provided by the Hundred Club of New Hampshire include: a $25,000 Line of Duty death benefit at the time of the tragedy, college scholarship funding for the spouse and any children, cost of a Summer Camp of their choice for each child, and gifts and checks for survivors on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Birthdays.
New Hampshire State Firemen’s Association
P.O. Box 10512
Bedford, NH 03110
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nhsfa.org
The following benefits are available for all members of the NH State Firemen’s Association: $10,000 Covered Injury Death Benefit, $10,000 Covered Illness Death Benefit, $1,000 Bereavement Benefit, $10,000 (per child) Dependent Child Benefit, $2,000 Seat Belt Benefit, as well as other disability and transition benefits.
Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire
43 Centre Street
Concord, NH 03310
Phone: (603) 223-3304
Fax: (603) 223-3310
E-mail: Contact Us
Website: www.pffnh.org
The Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire Fallen Firefighter Family Fund is a charitable trust which provides immediate assistance to the families of firefighters lost in the line of duty. Please use the contact information below for more information on the Fund.
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
P.O. Box 498
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
Phone: (301) 4471-1365
FAX: (301) 4471-1645
Website: www.firehero.org
The Sarbanes Scholarship Program
Spouses, life partners, children, and stepchildren of firefighters honored at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial are eligible to apply for the NFFF Sarbanes Scholarship Program along with other partner programs. The NFFF Sarbanes Scholarships are awarded for undergraduate and graduate studies, vocational-technical training, and certification and job training programs. They may be used for study at in-state or out-of-state public and private schools.
The International Association of Fire Fighters
1750 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Website: client.prod.iaff.org/#contentid=1743
The W. H. “Howie” McClennan scholarship provides financial assistance for sons, daughters or legally adopted children of IAFF Union Members killed in the line of duty planning to attend a university, accredited college or other institution of higher learning. Scholarship amount is $2,500 per year, renewable up to 4 consecutive years.
Political subdivision employers are required to make available to their retired employees, or their survivors, the same level of health care coverage that they provide to their active employees, if any. The employer may pay part or all of the costs associated with the coverage.
For firefighters of a political subdivision that does not belong to an organization or association that offers its own insurance coverage, the state shall pay a premium for permanent group hospitalization, hospital medical care, surgical care, and other medical and surgical benefits for the surviving spouse and dependent children of a career firefighter who was either a state employee or retirement system member and dies in the line of duty. Spouses are ineligible for this benefit upon remarriage. Spouses and children are ineligible for this benefit while receiving medical insurance or health care benefits from any other employer-sponsored plan.
New Hampshire Retirement System
54 Regional Drive
Concord, NH 03301-8507
Phone: (603) 410-3500
Fax: (603) 410-3501
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nhrs.org/members/benefits
Reference: NH RSA Sections 21-I:30, 21-I:30-a
Dignity Memorial
Phone: (800) 343-4464Website: www.dignitymemorial.com
Dignity Memorial is a consortium of funeral, cremation and cemetery providers across the United States and Canada. They have a Public Servants Program for first responders and emergency services workers. Dignity provides these services, at no cost, for career and volunteer firefighters who are killed in the line of duty. Also provides “extended counseling” to the grieving family. There is a location finder per state on the website, and funeral directors are encouraged to contact Dignity regarding the first responder program.
Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc.
2913 Gardner RoadBroadview, IL 50155
Phone: (708) 681-7040 (Terry Whitlock)
Website: www.wilbert.com
Wilbert provides complimentary burial vaults (including urns vaults) for fallen law enforcement officers and firefighters through 193 licensee locations. Funeral directors should contact Wilbert for information on obtaining vaults.