Family Benefits

Miami County Survivor Benefits

Survivor BenefitsUpdated August 2013


Surviving Spouse and Family Endowment (S.A.F.E)
3100 Broadway
Suite 226
Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: (816) 960-6800
Fax: (816) 960-6080

The Surviving Spouse and Family Endowment Fund (S.A.F.E) provides:

  • A $10,000 immediate contribution to the surviving spouse/family member of a firefighter, police officer or EMS worker killed in the line of duty.
  • No cost funeral and burial services for a firefighter, police officer or EMS worker killed in the line of duty.
  • A $5,000 immediate contribution to the surviving spouse/family member of a firefighter, police officer or EMS worker who dies or is killed while on duty but not in the line of duty.
  • A $5,000 contribution to a firefighter, police officer or EMS worker who suffers a “catastrophic injury” which is the obvious result of on-duty professional actions which render him/her incapable of working in any capacity for the remainder of his/her life.
  • A $2,500 annual educational scholarship contest for dependents (High School Seniors) of qualified public safety officers employed within the S.A.F.E geographic area of coverage.
  • A $1,000 total annual holiday memorial contribution to the spouse of a public safety officer killed in the line of duty or who dies while on duty and has dependent children age 17 and under still living at home.
  • A $300 annual holiday memorial contribution to the surviving spouse of a public safety officer killed in the line of duty or who dies while on duty, but with no children.
  • No cost legal services to the surviving spouse/family member of a public safety officer who loses his/her life in the performance of his/her duties. Services include estate planning, will and/or trust planning and drafting, plus counseling related to estate and probate. (Husch Blackwell Sanders, L.L.P.)

*NOTE: The final decision of any payment of benefits will be at the discretion of the S.A.F.E. Board of Directors.


Disclaimer: The material contained in the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Survivor Benefits website is not the result of legal research, but rather is based on a scan of public documents. We have made every effort to be accurate and timely, but errors may exist. The material on this website is advisory only and should not be cited as evidence or proof that a benefit exists or that our facts are accurate. Always consult the decedent’s fire department for benefits assistance, or a benefits’ attorney. If, in the course of your own research, you see errors of fact, or new benefit information, please pass this information along to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.