A line-of-duty death forever changes the fire department or agency and the community.
So, where does a company officer who loses a firefighter in the line-of-duty turn for support after this tragedy?

The Company Officer-to-Company Officer Network grew out of a need expressed by company officers who had lost a firefighter in the line of duty. They said they felt very isolated after the death of a firefighter, that they had no one to turn to for advice and support.
The Foundation has established a network of company officers who have one thing in common. All experienced a line of duty death as a company officer and understand more than anyone what that means.
How It Works
Immediately after learning about a line-of-duty death, the Foundation gathers information about the incident and the fire department.
Any company officer who would like to talk to a Network Company Officer can complete the information request form below. A Foundation team member will be in touch within 24 hours to gather more information so the impacted company officer can be referred to the appropriate peer cadre member. The Foundation will then arrange for a Company Officer-to-Company Officer contact, matching company officers by criteria such as department size and location, career or volunteer status, and the incident’s nature.
Company Officer to Company Officer Support
Network members share information on issues:
- Incident follow-up and investigations
- Support for the fallen firefighter's family and coworkers
- Funeral and memorial service arrangements
- Requests for information from media and community
- Personal feelings of loss
All discussions are confidential.
Request More Information
For more information, contact the Foundation using the form below.