Foundation News

NFFF Podcasts

Fire Hero Family Podcasts
Grief in Progress​

Everyone’s journey through grief is unique. But shared stories can be a powerful tool of hope for those who have experienced sudden loss. Grief in Progress inspires listeners with messages of resilience from peers who have found their own ways to cope. The compelling episodes feature one-on-one conversations with spouses, children, and life partners of fallen firefighters—but the perspectives they share will resonate with anyone dealing with grief. Through the generosity of these Fire Hero Families, the open dialogue focuses on contemporary issues of grief and offers strategies to promote healing. Most of all, Grief in Progress inspires new ways of seeing the world and connecting with others after tragic loss.

Fire Service Podcasts

The After Action Review Podcast series is another of the NFFF’s initiatives dedicated to ensuring no firefighter who dies in the line of duty is forgotten. 

The series selects a line-of-duty death from the past, and visits with the fire department to find out what occurred during the event; who the firefighters were as people; and what the fire department has done to prevent a future occurrence and/or how they honor and remember their fallen.


Firefighters and EMS professionals and their families must have the resources to deal with the various complications that their jobs can bring to their lives, especially issues regarding emotional and psychological stress. The Checking In: A Behavioral Health Size-Up podcast talks about the issues surrounding stress injury and PTSD with our first responders.