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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 44
Year of Death: 2001

Ruben D. Correa

Ruben D. Correa‚ 44‚ firefighter‚ FDNY‚ Engine 74. The 13-year FDNY veteran loved riding his mountain bike and fishing. Correa was married to his wife 21 years and had three daughters.

Memorial Posts


Memorial Wall

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  1. I participated in my first Memorial Stair Climb four years ago and the firefighter I picked to climb in memory of was Ruben Correa. I was a substitute teacher and for several years, Ruben’s picture stayed in my ID badge until last year when it fell out and I lost it. I was so devastated.
    Tonight I was watching a documentary about the Marriot right next to the WTC and heard firefighter Jeff Johnson talking about searching earnestly for his dear friend Ruben and being so upset when he didn’t find him. I thought to myself “That can’t be my Ruben, can it?” But after doing some research , sure enough. It was my Ruben, the first firefighter I ever climbed in memory of. His name will always stick with me forever and even though I don’t have his picture anymore, I will still be climbing in memory of him.

    – Kellina Crowe
  2. I just participated in my first 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb in San Diego this past Saturday (9/10/16) and was assigned to climb in honor of Ruben Correa. I’ll always be grateful to Ruben and all of the FDNY firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice fifteen years ago.

    – Robert Sinkovits
  3. On Sept. 10, 2016 I did my second 9/11 stair climb in Roanoke Virginia and I was honored to carry Firefighter Ruben D. Correa of Engine 74 up the 110 floors with me. His tag will hang with the others I carried in my office as a constant reminder of the sacrifices they made. My heart goes out to his family and friends. God bless you all.
    Jeannie Campbell

    – Jeannie Campbell
  4. I just participated in my first 9/11 stair climb in Green Bay Wisconsin this past Saturday (9/10/16) and I had the honor to carry Ruben Correa’s badge. And truly an honor it was. In watching the documentaries unfold again of 9/11 this past weekend I truly realized what sacrifices the men and women of that day went through. I pray for his wife and girls and they find peace in knowing their husband and dad is a great hero to our nation. Thank you.

    – Dawn Klesmith
  5. Honored to climb in honor of Ruben D Correa at the Nashville Stair Climb 2016. My thoughts were of him throughout the climb, and my heart was with his family. I’m 67 years old, and was struggling at first, but something picked me up , and I was able to go on without too much difficulty. I will look forward to possibly drawing his name next year. Thank you for your service Ruben.

    – Dale M Totten
  6. Well here we go again Ruben, I’m once again honored to climb for you at the Nashville Stair Climb. Being a former marine like yourself, I will dig deep and give all I have. My thoughts will be on you and your family, the sacrifice you made will drive these old legs to the top, and once again I will ring that bell and announce your name.Thank you Ruben…

    – Dale Totten
  7. Every year on 9/11, I select a name at random from the list of victims. I try to learn as much about this person and their family as possible. Today it was Ruben Correa.

    Words aren’t enough to express the gratitude that I have for people like Ruben. We are a better people because of their service to our country.

    – Scott Cokely
  8. I participated in the San Antonio 110 tower climb today, I carried a tag for Ruben. I never knew the man but as I climbed those stairs I could only imagine the fear and uncertainty that Ruben must have felt that day but he did his job with honor.

    – Joe Wells
  9. Participated in the 9/11 stair climb today in Tucson, AZ. They place the name of someone who lost their life that day on your bracelet. I had Ruben Correa…first thing I did was search his name when I was done. So thankful to have found this page. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family today Ruben. Honored to have climbed in your memory.

    – Tiffany Schmidt
  10. Ruben, today I participated in my first stair climb at Lambeau Stadium in Green Bay. I was given the honor of selecting your name to carry by my heart during my climb. Before today you were just part of a number I heard ..343 fallen firefighters. Today you live on as my motivation to climb. Thank you for your service. My thoughts today were of your family 17 years later. How are they? Do you have grandchildren? I’m sure you are with them every moment. God Bless.

    – Brenda Erdman Wolter
  11. It’s your birthday today, Ruben. I’m so sorry.

    – JD Long
  12. Miss you Davy. I grew up with him. Very cool person, everyone liked him.

    – Roger ODonohue
  13. 18 years have passed and I vowed to always remember Ruben.I didn’t know him but on the Memorial concert right after the attack and fall of the towers I saw his family walking to front.I picked his name and swore to always honor his memory and service.R.I.P. Ruben.I hope to see you in heaven someday.

    – Bill Hansen
  14. Well today is 9/11/19 and I was looking through photos online and saw a firefighter holding a collage with the name Ruben Correa in the center. I was shocked because that’s my last name and I never knew that someone especially a firefighter had died on this fatal day. it’s kind of ironic because I want to be a firefighter also I didn’t know about the stair climbs and being able to carry a person’s name but now that I do I would love to carry Ruben’s. I see that Ruben was in the USMC, I’m in the USAF. I would really enjoy being able to see the engine that has his name on it

    – Cara Correa
  15. I did the 9/11 stair challenge today 9/11/2019. So thankful to have found this page. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family today Ruben. Honored to have climbed in your memory. Knowing that i was doing this for you Ruben helped me to keep going!

    – Demetria Otey
  16. Well today is 9/11/19 and I was looking through pictures of the memorial and I came across a firefighter holding a collage with the name Ruben Correa in the center I was shocked to say the least because I had to do a double and look down at my uniform saying to myself that’s my last name. It’s ironic because I wanna be a firefighter. Now that I know about the stair climbs and carrying those who passed I would we honored if I was able to carry Ruben’s since it’s a name I already hold close to me. I also found out he was in the USMC, I’m in the USAF.

    – Cara Correa
  17. I purchased a FDNY Engine 74 Rolling Stones tee shirt to benefit this gentleman, never knew him but it was the least ya could to contribute in a tiny way. I still try to wear wear the shirt every 9 – 11 like 18 years later today.

    Kevin Kolenda
  18. We will never forget!

    RIP Firefighter Correa

    Four Corners 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb

    – Jenny Dennis
  19. For 19 years I have remembered and honored the life and sacrifice of Ruben.I did not know him.I watched the benefit concert on TV in Madison Square Garden and was touched with emotion as I saw the family of Ruben Correa on the screen.Again especially tomorrow Set 11,2020 I will pray for the family of him and honor his name.

    – Bill Hansen
  20. I saw FF Correa’s name when his family was shown on the Today show (today 9/11/2020) during the first moment of silence held today. They were holding a framed memory box with his name. I just wanted to extend love and condolences. Gone but not forgotten.

    – Lauren R
  21. I am from Yorkshire, England. God bless Ruben. Love to all his family and friends and I have visited NY twice. Real hero Ruben and you will never be forgotten… lots of love Angela xxxx

    – Angela Temple
  22. This year (2021) I climbed in honor of Ruben D. Correa, his id tag is now in the band of my fire helmet so that his memory can live on and he can keep doing what he loves.

    – Liza Knighg
  23. On Sept 4, 2021 I climbed in honor of Ruben Correa at the Dallas 9/11 stair climb. It was my privilege to climb for this fallen hero.

    – Jeff Hightower
  24. I just watched Jeff Johnson FDNY -the greatest city the greatest bravest fireman my hometown! Speak onRuben Correa & his daughters & the pain if never finding his brother ! I pray for Ruben & his wife & daughters & family. I lived 9/11 & survived but I am forever grateful for these heroes & I will never forget these families with one less seat at the table!

    – Madeline Gonzalez
  25. I picked Ruben Name from the memorial fountain when visiting from the the UK.
    I always think of him and his family on the Anniversary of his death.

    – Mary Fletcher
  26. I had gone to Ground Zero as a volunteer to assist with the search and recovery operations. One evening, myself and the 2 other Firefighters that went with me found ourselves outside Rubens station, Engine 74. We were welcomed in & were able to meet all his fellow Firefighters. We learned of Ruben’s death from them. After talking with them for several hours, we went back on our way. I still have my Engine 74 shirt and my memorial bracelet with Ruben’s name on it. Even though I never met him, he and his family will always be with me, and I will never forget…..

    – Scott A. Clifford
  27. I have been praying for Ruben and his family since 2001. I bought these tags that had his name on them. It was Thru some agency on the internet. I pray especially on this day your family is ok. I also have 3 daughters and so sad for this. I will never forget. God Bless

    – Todd Goepper
  28. You will never be forgotten.

    – Eric Roberto Hernandez
  29. My first 9/11 stair climb was this year, the 20 year memorial. I was given Ruben Correa’s picture to remember and honor. I can’t imagine how incredibly proud his family must be. He gave the ultimate sacrifice. I am humbled to do my little part in honoring him by never forgetting him. Thank you Ruben for your service.

    – Deannea Violette
  30. After 20 years, it still hurts to see your picture. I can’t believe you’re gone.

    – Jason Ortiz
  31. We still remember you in our hearts, continue resting in peace.

    – Silus masake
  32. God bless Ruben and all the firefighters during the day. I watched the NGC 9/11 documentary, and learned everything about the heroic nature of people at that faithful day. Bless all people who helps others who are in distress. All the love from Indonesia.

    – Rizky Ikhsani
  33. Thank you Ruben. – Leo from Boston

    – Leo Whalen
  34. Today it‘s May 14th, happy birthday Ruben

    – Halis
  35. R.I.P Hero

    – Henk Juckers
  36. I participated in my first Stair climb in New Orleans in 2019. I was honored to climb in honor of Ruben. The story I read of the love for his daughters hit home to me and him being a former Marine also touched my heart. I’ll be participating in my 3rd stair climb in Charleston South Carolina and I’ll always be thinking of Ruben Correa

    Rob Hyatt
  37. I ran in the tunnels to towers Medina Ohio 5k today 9-11-22 with Ruben’s picture around my neck. I am honored, proud, humbled and I want to say thank you and I love you, God bless America.


    – alan wood
  38. 1st Memorial climb at the McKinley Monument. I was honored to climb 53 flights of stairs in Ruben’s honor.

    Kristen Walters Maag
  39. I want to add the night before 9-10-2022 I had a few drinks at Tugboats, Thurman Munson son, Mike Munson bar. I see now why that was something I was called to do.
    Here is to Ruben!

    Kristen Walters Maag
  40. I just watched a 9/11 Special and saw Reuben’s story and it literally has me in tears like so many stories. I hope that his wife and 3 daughters have gone on to live happy and fulfilling lives. I just had my right knee replaced and his story gives me perspective and let’s me stop feeling sorry for myself. I was 33 on 9/11 but as most it is a day I can never forget, thank you for your sacrifice Reuben. ❤️

    – David Jackson
  41. Just visiting NYC on Ruben’s birthday. Saw the display, beautiful. Just wanted to say happy birthday stranger. God bless.

    – Andy McKevitt
  42. I just watched “9/11: One Day In America” and its episode 5 that talks about Ruben Correa and the crew of Engine 74. I will be back in New York City for yet another vacation, and i’ll be back at the memorial as always, and this time I will look for your name.

    – Wayland Rumble
  43. Je viens de regarder un documentaire sur le 11 septembre
    Que ton âme reste en paix Rubén Correa.
    Ainsi que toutes celles victimes de la barbarie ce jour de septembre.
    Que les survivants puissent trouver la tranquillité de l’âme.

    – Farbos Julien
  44. RIP Ruben. Never forgotten.😔

    – Bill Hansen
  45. I choose Ruben from the memorial fountain to remember him each year.
    Never forgotten.
    Mary – England

    – Mary Fletcher
  46. Well Reuben. 23 years ago already you’ve been gone. I vowed to honor 1 firefighter every year.I have done that.I picked Reuben Correa the night of the Memorial Benefit Concert held shortly after the attack as I watched Ruben’s wife and 3 little girls walking to the stage.I pray his wife are well.RIP Reuben.

    – Bill Hansen