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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 27
Year of Death: 2001

Michael J. Clarke

Firefighter‚ Ladder 2
Dates of Service: May 17‚ 1998 – September 11‚ 2001
Age 27
Born: January 11‚ 1974

Although Michael’s father was a New York City police officer and his brother is in Emergency Medical Services‚ Michael’s ambition in life was to be a firefighter. Michael was a wonderful and loving son to his father John and his mother Eileen‚ who passed away in 1998. Michael was also the greatest brother in the world to James and his wife Kym. He was a doting uncle to Tiffany Lynn and James Patrick‚ II‚ more like a second father to both.

Michael was a top student and hockey player in high school and college. Upon his death‚ Michael had his #34 hockey jersey retired by Farrell High School‚ Wagner College‚ and St. Joseph’s by the Sea‚ where he volunteered as a coach. Michael also enjoyed hunting‚ fishing and looked forward to the day his nephew Jimmy and niece Tiffany could join him‚ his brother and father on their annual trips.

Many will miss Michael.

-James P. Clarke

Memorial Posts


Memorial Wall

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  1. Just wanted to let this man’s family know that I visited the memorial on October 16,2014. As I approached the memorial, I knew I didn’t know anyone who perished that day so I asked God to lead me to a name whose family I could pray for, Mr. Clarke’s name was the one. I said a prayer for his family and viewed the site. Great memory of my trip to New York City. May God continue to bless his family.

    – Sandra Dear
  2. GOD BLESS THE FAMILY & FRIENDS OF MICHAEL J CLARKE. I participated in a memorial stair climb in his memory. It was a very emotional time. I have 2 family members that are firefighters/paramedics. I pray that everyone always returns home safe nd sound. I carry Mr. Clarke’s badge with mine. I pray for them all.
    Pam Vellone
    Reno NV

    – Pam Vellone
  3. This weekend, the Central Georgia Mounted Color Guard is hosting a commemorative horseback ride honoring the heroes of 9/11.Michael s being personally remembered at one of the posts along the trail. Never forgotten & respectfully honored for his supreme sacrifice and his family’s loss. God Bless!

    – Kim Flemming - CGMCG
  4. Just wanted Michael’s family to know that today at Lambeau Field in Green Bay Wisconsin, I participated in the 911 Memorial Stair Climb. Each participant was given a badge with the name and picture of a fallen firefighter. I was honored to represent Michael. God bless your family!

    – Terri Hogan
  5. Today in Kewaskum, Wisconsin the community honored all the fallen from 9/11 in a parade and especially for Andrea who graduated from Kewaskum High School who was in NEW YORK the first time in her life and in the North World Trade Tower and died that day. I had the honor of wearing a badge on my volunteer fire fighter blues as we walked from the High School to the local fire department where the 9/11 Memorial is being built, your loved was on the badge I wore Michael J. Clarke Firefighter, Ladder 2 – “NEVER FORGOTTEN”

    – Lyle Ernisse
  6. My daughter and I participated in the 9/11 Stair Climb with her Fire Science class in Denver Colorado. I had the honor of representing Michael and continue to remember him and say a prayer for your family every day. His picture stays on my desk as a reminder of the sacrifice he and so many others made and a reminder of his selflessness. His story and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.

    – Teresa Lynch
  7. I had the honor of doing the Nashville stair climb in honor of Mr clarke an I’m happy to say that he finished his climb that day with me I keep his picture an tag with me in my vehicle to remind me everyday what a true hero should be like God bless you brother we got it from here ?

    – Tyler watson
  8. Just did the stair climb at FDIC in Indianapolis in honor of our fallen firefighters they asked us to pick a badge with one of the fallen firefighters on it and for some reason Michael Clarke stood out from the rest. I finished the climb without stopping once. I just wanted to say he’s never forgotten and I will be putting the badge on my helmet so he’s with me on the fires I go to.

    – Tristan Mauk
  9. I am participating in the CNY Memorial Stair Climb on September 8, 2017, in Utica, NY. I just wanted his family to know that I am honored to carry the tag of Michael J. Clarke. His supreme sacrifice will never be forgotten. God bless!

    David Kozyra
    Maynard Fire Department

    – David Kozyra
  10. I wanted Michael J Clarke’s family to know that I carried his tag as I walked 110 stories today in honor of the 343 that gave the ultimate sacrifice at the Clayton 2017 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. I was honored to do so.

  11. I was in Probationary Firefighter school with Michael and we graduated on 5/17/1998. I am organizing a reunion for our class and we are having a 20 year
    Class shirt made. We will be honoring the members of our class lost on that
    terrible day and I wanted to know if anyone in the Clarke family would like a shirt in honor of Michaels memory.
    If so please contact me.
    516 749-9509

    – Bobby Bruno
  12. I had the honor of wearing this gentlemen’s name around my neck this morning as I did a 9/11 memorial stair climb. I am a 14 year old kid attempting to do the whole stair climb in fire gear with an air pack on my back… so as you could imagine my first thought was wondering if I could finish this whole thing in full gear. Keep in mind the stair climb is 11 flights up and then you walk across the 11th floor to the down stair well where you go down and that makes one. We did 10 to equal the amount of stairs in the world trade centers. As I got to about the 3rd time around I began to have a slight feeling that I wasn’t gonna make it. So I kept going along and got to my 5th at this point I knew I was half way there and I was beginning to feel pretty worn out. This is when I grabbed Mr. Michaels picture and card around my neck, squeezed it tightly in my hand and looked up at the sky. Suddenly I got a burst of energy. This carried me all the way to the 10th flight and I finished the stair climb for him. I pray for him and his family. God bless

    – Jake thomas
  13. I knew Mike from Wagner. He was my favorite goalie! ❤️ I think of him often and every year on 9/11 (and on his birthday) I put his pic up on FB as my profile pic. Like Bobby above I also had a t-shirt made in Mike’s honor. Would love to give it to the family if they are interested.
    Miss you, Mike.

    – Aurora Seminara
  14. I took part in the 911 Memorial Stair Climb on my University’s campus in 2015. Each person received a badge with the name and picture of a fallen firefighter. I was given Michael’s badge. I didn’t know Michael but I think of him often, especially this time of year, as I keep his badge in the frame of my NYC skyline picture in my room.
    Love to the family and friends of Michael. Never ever forgotten.

    – Sara Moulder
  15. Today I had the honor of watching my son Timothy Murphy participate in the Dansville New York stair climb! My son a volunteer firefighter (age 20) had the honor of carrying your sons tag climbing in honor/memory of your son Michael J. Clarke who made the ultimate sacrifice helping to save others! He will forever hold a special place in our families hearts! Your son will never be forgotten❤️

    – Sondra Murphy
  16. Missing you, Mike!

    – Aurora
  17. 9/13/2020
    The Red Knights in Prince George, VA did a 9/11 Ride for the Fallen. I did that ride. The Captain said pick a rock any rock , I chose the orange one that matched my Trike.
    It was you Michael J. Clarke that rode with me today through the country side of Virginia. I want you to know sir, it was a beautiful day. Thank you for your service.

    – Katie Lacy
  18. I was in New York on June 15th 2021 and put a flag on his name.

    – Andrea Nagy
  19. Michael Clarke was a student of mine at Wagner College and he was on the Men’s Ice Hockey team, where I worked as the
    Head Athletic Trainer.

    He was an exceptional student and an excellent member of the team. We all loved him!

    Mike spent a lot of time studying and working hard to achieve his goals in both college and sports.

    He was always smiling, kind and wonderful to be with.

    I have written about him for the last 20 years and I will continue to write about him for as long as I am on this planet.

    Michael is missed by me, because we spent a lot of time at both the college and on trips to hockey games, studying and chatting about many topics.

    Rest In Peace and know that I will never forget you.
    Professor Karen Iannici

    – Karen Iannici
  20. As a former FDNY firefighter I was honored today at a 9/11 memorial to be given a bracelet with Michael Clarke of L-2,inscribed on it It will always be beside me in his memory. I will share his story to my family and especially my grandchildren. We will never forget Michael. Resting in peace Michael

    – john vento
  21. Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of 911. My husband and I drove to Art Hill in St Louis, MO. On the hill a flag was placed for every person who died that day. Attached to each flag was the name and picture of each person. I just picked one flag to look at Michael’s was the one. It was a beautiful tribute on that hill. The sun was shining and the wind blew the flags in unison. It truly made me feel glad to be an American. Please know that I will keep Michael in my prayers! God bless him!!

    – Stephanie Z.
  22. Iv had the privilege of doing multiple stair climbs while carrying the badge of Mr Clarke so iv made it my mission to make sure I get his badge when I do any event like that and I’m proud to say I just completed my 2nd tunnel to towers 5k while carrying Mr Clarke’s badge it’s an honor to be able to get his badge every year thank you for your service sir and rip.

    – Tyler Watson
  23. I had the honor of completing a 9/11 stair climb this morning. I was able to represent Mr. Michael Clark, Lad. 2. He is not forgotten.

    – Jamie R Thompson
  24. I received a memorial bracelet with a firefighters name on it in 2002. Michael Clarke NYFD The WTC Ladder 2. 20 years later, I still have this bracelet and wear it every year in remembrance of a Hero, someone who sacrificed his life in order to save those he never met. He and his family will always be in my prayers. #neverforget

    – Mindy
  25. 21 Anniversary of 9/11… NEVER FORGET
    Today I wear a treasured gift… a T-shirt that was presented to me by the father and brother of a WTC 9/11 victim, Michael Clarke, of Staten Island, NYC.
    Michael was one of the valiant firemen who lost his life in the service of rescuing people trapped in the carnage of the horrific WTC attack.
    During one year, I believe it was 2006, of my being the entertainer – emcee – DJ of the big annual “Cruising Ocean City” hot-rod, performance and custom cars event, one of my things to do was walk out and choose my favorite 10 cars to award my ” Celebrity Stars” trophies to.
    Walking through 3,000+ cars does take some time, and I approached a display of two cars side by side. Why I stopped was the beautiful white 1957 Ford Thunderbird was one of my favs, and so chose it to be one of my top 10.
    It happened that the two cars were owned by a father and son from Staten Island, and the T-Bird was the dad’s (the son’s car was a Dodge Super Bee I believe). Talking with them, I noticed they had a banner regarding a fallen 9/11 fireman, and I thanked them for their observance… As I mentioned that, the dad’s eyes welled up in tears. He told me, “thank you…he was my son.”
    These two wonderful gents asked me to wear this T-shirt in memory of Michael Clarke and I do every year since, and today.
    God bless all the innocent victims who suffered from this horrible attack by vile evil ones, on this anniversary of the sad piece of history. Amen.

    Tim Beasley
  26. To the family and friends of Michael Clarke, your fallen hero. He and his comrades are not forgotten. On this day, 9/11/2022, he is remembered, they are remembered, and will never be forgotten. God bless Michael’s memory.

    – James Willson
  27. Michael was a student of mine at Wagner College and also on the Wagner College Seahawks, Mens Ice Hockey teams, where I also served as the Head Athletic Trainer.
    He was an excellent student and a great goalie!
    He was kind and generous and always helped me.
    He became a good friend.
    I miss him a lot!
    He will never be forgotten by me and my family.
    Karen Iannici-Berger

    – Karen Iannici-Berger
  28. It was my honor to run for Michael Clarke June 1, 2024 in the Tunnel to Towers Memorial run in McMinnville, TN. This was my second time carrying his badge and I will do my best to get his badge each year. May God bless the entire family.

    – Leslie Hayes