James W. Blackmore‚ 48‚ a career firefighter with the Fire Department of New York‚ died from burns sustained in an apartment fire. Blackmore‚ a decorated Vietnam veteran‚ had been with FDNY for 21 years. Also dying at this incident was firefighter Scott J. LaPiedra.
Jimmy you were my best friend on the job we did so much together think of you every day my heart is still broken you were the best your buddy Doug Wilson L136
– Doug WilsonJimmy, I talked to your wife shortly after you passed and told her we worked together as dog handlers in Nam. She wanted to know if I had a picture of you and your dog but unfortunately I do not. I advised her of one of your assignments in Nam and that was with one of the CAP units in Chu Lai area. She was very proud of you and your service with your dog while in Nam and in the Marine Corps. I have contacted the originator of the CapMarine website and had your name placed within the ranks of others who served. Take care my friend, RIP. Semper Fi
– Jerry Sitek