National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 46
Year of Death: 2001

Frank Anthony Palombo

Frank Palombo was born on March 14th‚ 1955‚ in Brooklyn to Anthony and Fortunata Palombo. He graduated from St. Edmunds Elementary School‚ Cathedral Preparatory Seminary and Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception.

On May 19th‚ 1979 Frank became a New York City Firefighter.

On October 23rd‚ 1982 he married Jean Marie Courtien. In January of 1985 he and his wife entered the Neocatechumenal Way. Over the next 14 years‚ they had ten children: Anthony 1986‚ Frank 1987‚ Joseph 1989‚ Maria 1990‚ Thomas 1991‚ John 1993‚ Patrick 1995‚ Daniel 1997‚ Stephen 1999‚ and Margaret Mary 2000.

Frank loved to play and pray with his children. He believed that each of his children was an undeserved gift from God. Frank was responsible for the Neocatechumenal Way in the Diocese of New York. He loved his job of saving people’s bodies from fire but loved even more the call he felt to save souls from fire.

As Union Representative he fought for the safety of fellow firefighters. Frank lived his life looking for the will of God and asking the Lord to help him live it. He had experienced many times that when you live in the will of God‚ God provides.

Memorial Posts


Memorial Wall

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  1. Frank Anthony Palombo picture / badge made 4th Annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Lambeau Field , all 110 floors . The little I known , you had a “GREAT DAD”

    – Don knurr
  2. You, Jean and all your children are the proof that God exist for all of us. Peace. Consuelo

    – Consuelo Budelman
  3. Great friend and Catechist, I’ll never forget.

    ~JD & the entire 5th community that you established.

    – John Diaz
  4. Today in my US History class we did a small group project on firefighters who lost their lives trying to save others, my group chose to research Frank. May he rest in peace. I shall never forget Frank’s name and the others who did the best they could under the circumstances.

    – Monica Bustos
  5. Thank you for all your support and all the smiles

    – Scott Quinlan
  6. God rest this brother’s soul. I’m from the Neocatechumenal Way from Honduras and I’ve read Jean Palombo’s testimony on Frank’s passing. I know she is now gone too, and now these two kind souls that worked so hard helping others to grow in their Catholic faith are together at the Father’s House.

    – Walter
  7. I will be in the Colorado 11th Annual Memorial Stair Climb tomorrow, Sept. 11 2019 climbing 110 flights of stairs with a badge with Frank’s face and Never Forget on it.

    – Mark Latham
  8. I adopted the family for Christmas that year. The family has remained in mine and my families hearts since and will be till my last breath..I never met him, but I love them all in my soul.

    – Tara Floen
  9. Yo estaba en su comunidad. Era uno de los sacerdotes que caminaban con ellos. Descansen en paz. Jean murió de cáncer pocos años después de su marido.

    – Luis Alberto ORDEJÓN CASADO
  10. On September 11, 2020 I climbed in memory of Frank in the CNY Stairclimb (Utica, NY). This year however, because of covid, we could not gather and climb in the building as we have in the past. So I climbed Mt. Marcy, the highest peak in NYS, for him. It was an honor and privilege to bring light to his name and the sacrifice he made for his fellow man. He will always be an inspiration to me as a fireman, and man. He is a hero and will never be forgotten.

    – Brian Fontaine
  11. An excelent friend, a husband and a father. Never forget.

    – Arminda Larraneta
  12. Frank made the best chili in the world.

    – Raymond Paulino
  13. He will always hold a special place in my heart.

    – Griselda Bartlett
  14. Siempre te recordaré del Camino Neucatecumenal como un ejemplo a seguir dentro y fuera de Nuestra Iglesia Católica 🙏 aun no lo puedo creer que te perdimos ese 9/11 que los que te conocimos no podemos olvidar hoy estás con tú Esposa en la Presencia del Señor

    – Armenia
  15. It was an honor to run the Bluffton Tunnel to Towers 5k with FF Paul Palombo(LAD105) at my side. Best to his family!

    – Christopher Tassone
  16. I will never forget the time that Frank stood up to a guy for trying to rip me off and overcharge me for some souvenirs when he was the responsible for our group in Jerusalem. The guy sensed that Frank was a true warrior of God and backed peddled on his evil intentions and gave me my money back once he saw that Frank wasn’t playing around. That event amongst others especially learning how to play race car arcades with him in Asbury park will forever be cemented in my heart.❤️ RIP Frank 🙏

    – Edwin Fernandez
  17. You are missed Frank. Thank you for showing me what kindness and compassion could be like.

    – Yancey Flores
  18. On this 23rd anniversary of the fallen towers and heroes, I read about Mr. Palumbo. Like all the firefighters, police, first responders my heart is with their families and hope they are all well. God Bless.

    – Janice Berube