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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Age: 23
Year of Death: 2001

Christopher Alexander Santora

Christopher Santora was a probationary firefighter in the New York City Fire Department. He was assigned to Engine 54‚ Battalion 9 on 48th Street and 8th Avenue in Manhattan. He died on September 11‚ 2001 during the World Trade Center attack. Christopher was 23 years old when he died.

Christopher was also a teacher. He worked in Queens in both the elementary and middle school level. He loved American History. He was very proud that he was an American. He wanted everyone that he knew to be proud of his country. He majored in History at Queens College. He graduated in January 2000.

All those who knew Christopher remember his sense of humor‚ his laughter‚ his honesty‚ his love of sports‚ his favorite team – the Toronto Blue Jays‚ his patriotism and his beautiful smile.

In tribute to this young local hero‚ Christopher’s community has honored him with a street naming and an early childhood school in the community where he taught. His family has established an educational scholarship‚ which provides scholarships for students and educational materials for youths.

Alexander Santora

Memorial Posts


Memorial Wall

  • (will not be published)

  1. Dear Santora family,
    My name is Andrea Baughman and I had the honor of doing a 5K in honor of Christopher. I send your family and friends prayers every day!!

    – Andrea
  2. Hi, I had the honor of climbing the stairs in Lambeau Field today. I climbed in honor of your son, Chrisopher. I had Christophers picture badge on my shirt.
    I honor is selfless service… and pray for you and your family.

    – Debbie
  3. Greetings Santora family,
    I had the honor to do the 9/11 Memorial Stair climb in Charlotte NC for Christopher. I had a picture of him on my helmet and climbed 110 floors and every step was for Christopher. He was a hero and will never be forgotten. Thank you.

    – Trevor Moreno
  4. I had the pleasure of wearing a badge with a picture of your son Christopher’s picture on it today as I walked 110 flights of stairs in Richmond Virginia. It was tough to climb these flights and wanted to quit multiple times but your son inspired me and helped me continue the climb. I knew if I quit that it would be like quitting on him.
    It was like fate that he was the person I selected, since I am an elementary teacher and I love history as well. He is a hero and will never be forgotten and his inspiration was felt today. It was an honor to wear his name and photo and it is something I will never forget.

    – Austin
  5. Just walked 110 floors in honor of this fallen hero. May God continue to bring the family peace and comfort.

    – Paul Barnes
  6. I climbed at the Lambeau 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb in honor of Christopher. It was truly a humbling experience. We shall never forget the sacrifice he gave. Thank you for your service Christopher. Roll on!

    – Nichole H
  7. Dear Santora family
    Yesterday I had the very special honor to climb the stairs at Lambeau field for your son Christopher. What a very special day to see everyone there honoring someone fallen on that very tragic day..Prayers for you. Paula Gardipee

    – Paula Gardipee
  8. Dear Santora family,

    I wanted to let you know that it was my honor to participate in the 911 Stairclimb at Lambeau Field yesterday in Green Bay, WI. I climbed in honor of Christopher…I will always be grateful for his selflessness and bravery and I pray for your family and friends! We will NEVER forget! Sending love!

    Susan Goetz

    – Susan Goetz
  9. Dear santora family,
    i was a student at ps 222 Christopher A. Santora and Ms santora was actually my kindergarten teacher I went to the memorial of the towers and found his name it has been 6 years since I’ve been to the school and i still remember when there was a case full of his things i still remember when i would come to school and ms santora would read the book about Christopher he was a hero to many ❤

    – Brianna caicedo
  10. Santora family,

    Today, 9/7/19, I had the distinct honor of wearing a badge bearing your son’s picture and name up 110 flights of stairs at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI. Reading his bio information here let me know I was meant to choose his badge as I am also a teacher. I cannot imagine your loss, but please know Christopher lives on and will hold a special place in my heart. ♥️

    – Stevie
  11. I was honored to wear a badge with your son’s picture today. He sounds like a wonderful young man and I am forever grateful for his service.
    -Columbus, OH

    – Chrissy Leyshon
  12. Dear Santora family,
    I did a memorial stair climb today in St. Louis. I had the honor of climbing 110 stories for Chris. I announced his name and rang the bell in his honor upon completion. His name and honor will live on forever. Thank you for Christopher.
    Anna Wideman
    Firefighter Desoto Rural Fire Protection District

    – Anna Wideman
  13. We remember. ⚘

    – Linda Triggs
  14. I am remembering the Santora family today, the parents, and especially Maureen, who worked with my mother, Rhoda Lande, at PS 122 in Astoria, Queens, NY. I want his siblings and his nephew (who was a toddler, last I saw the family) and other family, to know that I think of him every year on this day. He is not forgotten by many, and his family has done all they can to keep him honored and his memory alive, with fine educational projects in his name. I regret to say that I have lost touch with his mother, but if any of the family see this, please know that I remember seeing you at the annual dance and fundraising function in his name. I was not able to attend the last few years, due to an injury, but if the world goes back to ‘normal’ and group functions are allowed…please let me know if you still do your tributes to his memory. Much respect….from Laurence Lande, retired Brooklyn high school film/drama teacher.

    – Laurence Lande
  15. For the last few years our fire team has participated in Memorial stair climbs to remember the sacrifice of New York firefighters on September 11, 2001. This year because of Covid we were not able to gather together for these events. Instead we chose to walk in our own neighborhoods in our fire gear as a memorial and a tribute. Christopher Santora is one of those heroes, this morning I walked 5 miles through the neighborhood in my bunker gear in his memory. We will Always remember. Your family is in our prayers.
    -Phillip Hamilton

    – Phillip Hamilton
  16. Hello Santora family, Christopher was once my substitute teacher covering his own sister Ms Santora at IS10 !! And the crazy coincidence was, I was in my 8th grade class sitting in Ms. Santora’s class when the second plane hit. Although he was our substitute for one day, I will never forget how funny he was and how much about history we talked about. Ms. Santora was one of my favorite teachers by far, and now after watching both parents speak, I know where both kids got it from. God bless your entire family! And RIP to our fallen hero.

    – Navjot singh
  17. I had the honor of knowing Chris – i knew him for years at the tennis club he worked at while in school and studying to be a firefighter. He was friendly, sweet, kind, funny – a hard worker – a great brother – (because Kathy worked there too sometimes.). The world was a better place when he was in it. The last time i saw him was at the club about a week or 2 before 9/11. i was joking with him and told him that if he ever gets called to grand central, to make sure my husband evacuated the gray bar building because he was just the type to ignore an order to evacuate. Chris promised he would get him. i told him to be careful out there and he told me not to worry he would be fine. I cried my eyes out when i heard he was gone. I cry writing this. My husband and i were honored to attend his funeral service. I see him just as clearly in my mind as the last day i saw him – and i always will. Rest In Peace always Chris – and you will always be missed. with love – Cindy

  18. My son and I walked and climbed to honor your sacrifice at our local 2021 Walk of Remembrance. Your sacrifice is not forgotten. A fellow First Responder.

    – Blake
  19. We were in Oak Brook Illinois for the 9/11 Memorial. There were flags for every person the perished in the Twin Towers, Pentagon and Flight 93. It was a beautiful ceremony. My wife, Sandy, and I noticed all flags had names and a brief story about the person. We bought 2 flags. One had Christopher and the other was a Port Authority Officer. I am a retired police officer and a Vietnam Vet. My wife and I were going to keep the flags and display them every 9/11. Instead we went brought Christophers’ flag to our Fire Department in Forest Park Illinois. The Forest Park Fire Department now has Chris’ flag on display in their firehouse. It is with his brother and sister firefighters.

    – joe byrnes
  20. My department flew over groups of firefighters to attend services for the fallen. We attended several memorials but only one funeral as I recall. That funeral was Christopher’s. I remember it quite vividly as I too was a probationary firefighter and was about Christopher’s age so his death felt deeply personal. I’ve never forgotten his name and I don’t imagine I ever will. Anyway, I would like to offer my sincere thanks for his sacrifice and deepest sorrow for its need. I and others will certainly never forget.

    – Jerry Sparks
  21. Dear Santora family,

    I had the honor of climbing 110 flights of stairs on the 20th anniversary of 9-11 this year in Arizona, in memory of your son Christopher. His sacrifice and life will never be forgotten.
    – Jackie Britz

    – Jackie Britz
  22. I had the honor of participating in a 5k today and wore Christopher’s badge in his honor for a Tunnel to Towers 5k walk and run in Iowa —what an amazing life journey he had in watching your video. My son is just starting a fire fighting career and I definitely felt a connection as I watched you speak about your son. Sending you prayers and hugs as you continue your journey

    – Jen Frank
  23. Dear Santora Family with great honour I will be carrying a picture of your son Christopher in doing the 28 floor stair climb in Melbourne, Victoria DAVID

    – David Wareham
  24. Dearest Santora Family ,

    It has been a long time and everyday on this day I can never forget hearing your son’s name as one of the fallen Firefighters.

    Mr Santora was my substitute teacher at IS 10 for a week. That week was the best week of our lives . He was so down to earth and so cool with us we really felt his spirit. He told us that he was going to be a firefighter and he was going to leave us and we all were upset because he was a great teacher!

    We knew Ms Santora too and watching her grief for her brother and watching how The IS 10 family really loved Mr Santora. We just want to thank you for bringing such a beautiful soul into the world , while he was taken from you way too soon , his time here really touch many of our young lives.
    May he Rest In Peace and watch over IS 10 and your beautiful family

    – Meryem Baddi
  25. Today, 9/11/22, I was honored to wear Christopher’s photo for the Tunnel to Towers 5k in Ankeny, IA. Christopher will never be forgotten and his photo that I wore will be proudly displayed in the hallway of my home next to the other FDNY members that my husband and I have honored over the years. God Bless.

    – Tracie
  26. Dear Santora Family,
    My name is Nathan Rene Peña I completed the 9/11 stair climbing challenge in honor of Christopher. I am a Senior at Marfa High School in Marfa Texas. I am choosing firefighting as my future profession. Continued prayers for you and your family on the loss of Christopher.

    – Nathan R. Peña
  27. Dear Santora family. A few years a ago My wife Joyce visited New York staying at a Hotel on 48th street were we found the wonderful Memorial to Firefights of Engine 54/ladder.4/ battery. We the listed the fire station and were given a wonderful of the fire station. The crew were so wonderful and surprised that as we had come from England it was a pleasure to pay our respects to so many heroes. I have lovely pictures as a memory.
    Kind regards Brian & late Joyce

    – Brian A Biggs
  28. I climbed at lambeau in Christopher’s honor today. As someone who also works in education I feel like it was an intervention of fate that his name was the one I said so proudly when I rang the bell. Many prayers to his family.

    – Tayler
  29. Our son is climbing in Greensboro North Carolina today in memorial for Christopher. Our family is from New York and New Jersey and have teachers and police officers who have been affected by 9/11. Your son and his FDNY heroes will not be forgotten.

    – Douglas Sanecki
  30. Hello,
    I had the honor of walking 110 flights of stairs today in Charlotte, NC, in honor of Christopher. I thought about him and the sacrifice he made the entire time. I loved learning about him- he sounded like an amazing person. Sending prayers and love to your family.


    – Ellie Stull
  31. We left Queens view in 2007 & Relocated in Amarillo Texas . My husband was building rep in building 13 Ralph A Blank . Out of sight but never out of mind all these years & always in our prayers. We think of you every year & your son Christopher. Much Love &prayers Ralph & Marie -Louise Blank

    – Ralph & Marie-Louise Blank
  32. Every year on 9/11 I post a remembrance post about a firefighter who lost their life on 9/11 and tomorrow, I will be posting about Christopher. May you rest in peace and love, brother.

    – Frankie Pierce
  33. Dear Santora family,
    My name is Louis Vasquez out at Edwards AFB, California I had the honor to run 3.41 miles while wearing a badge for Chris. His sacrifice and life will never be forgotten.

  34. Chris was a classmate of mine in 227. He was a warm hearted person and a sweet guy. I think about him each year knowing he is in heaven watching over his family.

    – Patty