Updated July 2014
The Two Hundred Club of Warren County
50 Alfalfa Hill
Milford, NJ 08848
Phone: (908) 995-9110
Fax: (908) 995-9110
E-mail: [email protected]
The 200 Club provides financial assistance to widows and widowers and families of men and women who have given their lives in the line of duty; and they also recognize the heroic achievements men and women once a year at the Annual Valor Awards Luncheon.
Recently, the 200 Club has also chosen to establish a number of scholarship programs. These include scholarships to aid the children of our deceased protectors; continuing education scholarships for active officers and firefighters in their chosen field and scholarships for outstanding academic excellence awarded to sons and daughters of our uniformed protectors.
Disclaimer: The material contained in the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Survivor Benefits website is not the result of legal research, but rather is based on a scan of public documents. We have made every effort to be accurate and timely, but errors may exist. The material on this website is advisory only and should not be cited as evidence or proof that a benefit exists or that our facts are accurate. Always consult the decedent’s fire department for benefits assistance, or a benefits’ attorney. If, in the course of your own research, you see errors of fact, or new benefit information, please pass this information along to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.