National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Roll of Honor

Probationary Firefighter
Age: 29
Year of Death: 1978

William O’Connor

Probationary Firefighter William O’Connor, age 29, of the Fire Department City of New York died on August 2, 1978 in a roof collapse during a fire at a Waldbaum’s Supermarket in Brooklyn, New York.

He was assigned to Ladder Company 156 and was appointed to the department on December 15, 1977.

Billy was a a transit cop, before he followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and joined the FDNY. Billy’s grandfather also died in the line of duty.

He served in the U.S. Navy and did a tour in Vietnam.

Billy was known for his work ethic and willness to help out those in need.

He is survived by his wife Louise and children Billy Jr., Lisa Ann, and Jean Marie.


This firefighter line of duty fatality occurred before the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial was built in Emmitsburg, Maryland. While this firefighter has not been officially honored at the Memorial site, there are plans to do so when resources are available.

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